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Bible References And Study Tools Here are a variety of resources that we have compiled to assist you with your Biblical studies. There may be some material or opinions presented on these sites that may be questionable on basis or facts. However, you should find these sites very useful and beneficial in your study. If you would like to recommend a site to be added to this page, please email us to review the site. Blue Letter Bible
Bible Gateway BibleGateway.com, is a free service for reading and researching scripture online-- all in the language or translation of your choice! We provide advanced searching capabilities based on keywords or scripture references, and various tools to enhance your study of the Bible. Click Here
Bible History Online Focus The focus at Bible History Online is history and the Bible. The Bible is about God's activities in history. It deals with actual people in an actual geographical area during actual specified historical times who had contact with other actual peoples and empires whom we know of from sources outside the Bible. Knowledge of the historical background of the Bible is essential to any serious student of the Scriptures. Recent archaeological discoveries as well as comparative historical research and philological studies, along with an analysis and interpretation of the Old Testament text have made possible a fuller and more reliable picture of Biblical history than in previous eras. The Lord has allowed our studies of the Bible to be greatly enhanced with the tremendous technology of the computer and the Internet bringing the pictures of the past as well as the work of devoted teachers and scholars right into our homes. I May Not Agree With Some of the Content As you may have noticed, there are many academic sites that contain an incredible amount of good research tools and maps, etc. But along with the good information there might be some biased opinions or misleading documents that, if not studied carefully, could lead one astray. Anyone providing a list of resources runs into this problem unless they spend countless hours researching the people and the studies of every organization they happen to mention. I am trying to focus more on factual historical information within the sites that I list, and gear it toward people who are more equipped to discern truth from error. One man of God said it this way, "like an old cow we need to learn how to eat the hay and leave the sticks!" Of course this is not going to please everyone but it will serve a good purpose. If there is a site that you notice that should be clearly removed please let me know. To go to Bible History Online Click Here
CrossWalk.com Crosswalk.com's Bible Study Tools® are designed to facilitate in-depth study and exploration of God's Word. As the largest resource of its kind on the Internet, this powerful free resource embodies our corporate mission: to equip people to grow in their faith and apply it practically in their lives. Crosswalk.com is aggressively pursuing plans to expand the scope of these free resources, including the addition of Bibles in more languages and a greater number of English translations. Click Here
BibleandReference.com List of Resources Bible Search | Reference Tools | Apologetics | Daily Devotions Bible Studies | Quizzes | History | Sermon Helps. Click Here
Biblical Archaeology Society Selected Biblical and archaeological news items from around the world, plus articles of continuing interest, as chosen by our editors. All the info from our famous "Join a Dig" sections from BAR and AO are available year 'round. List of digs 1,000 . Click Here