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CHAPTER I There has been much discussion recently by a great many men about the creation of the heavens and the earth. This much discussed subject is claiming the attention both of the modern pseudo-scientists, and of the unlettered Christians of our time, as well of those that have no learning. The pseudo-Scientists give credence to nothing, but the theories which Science gave them about twentyfive years ago, and they cling to this with the tenacity of leeches. They claim that Science has revealed nothing new along that line for a long time. They make mistakes there, for their theories of the creation or rather lack of creation, for twentyfive years ago, it was thought material was always in existence, and there never had been a creation. These so called Scientists, naturally, in trying to explain the present order of things, considered Chemism and that consecrated thing they called Selective force as the principles out of which every thing came into the present order of things. They believed that everything came up through the gradations of that long time, even ages long, process which they call evolution into the present form, and that in millions of years ahead of us, there will be still higher forms of life and higher forms of organisms, the like of which have never yet been dreamed. They claim that as yet nothing has reached its highest existence, yet they go on dealing with violence and the still powerful force of the survival of the fittest, until they are on the verge of wrecking the present order of things. The Christian, as he is today in the average of the uneducated man of the countries and cities, with his faith entirely pinned to mere translations of the Bible is fighting this pseudo-science with many false promises and intense prejudice against anything that tends to rob him of his faith. He is the man who is much better off in the contest of the day than the Pseudo-Scientist, for his faith is anchored, and while he may be using many blunt weapons to do his fighting against these others, yet he is sure of his faith and that faith carries him over the thing he cannot fathom. The plain truth of the matter is, that every man is brought squarely up to this same blank wall, and needs a sure faith for his founding of both soul and mind. No man on the earth can explain even a small part of the phenomena that present themselves to him daily. He must have faith to anchor him through the storms that rage around him. In this article, I shall go in for a considerable research in the common sources for the various ideas of the phenomenon we call “Creation," and I trust without prejudice my readers will study carefully these researches and give it credence and a hearing at least. I intend to go carefully into practically all the sources from which we get the various notions of creation. Some I shall call theories, others I shall call myths, and the proper ones, I shall call them the Inspired Records. In a later article I wish to give my researches into that much disputed subject, “The Creation of Man.” It seems that Christians, even, do not agree on that. I shall give the various headings of this subject and the other, and discuss them without prejudice or favor even facing the situation, that I have been maligned, called a fanatic, mistrusted, even by my brethren, and accused of hurting the cause by my vagaries. Yet this story that I advance cannot be disproved, nor yet can anything be said about it, but that it is rather new, or I should say, that it has been lost in the centuries of the human philosophies, that have been forced into the range of Christians and their vision of the origin of our world and our own race. This seems to me the best philosophy on which to hang my Christian faith. I do not say nor hint that any one holding ideas different from me is not privileged to believe what he pleases, nor am I declaring him to be ignorant, nor fanatical, nor any other thing men have thought that this kind of writing declares that they are. In this article I shall go into the original languages of the Bible, and translate and perhaps transliterate them in the verses that deal with this subject and make as clear as possible, in doing a thing like that, the real meaning if the word of God, for this book is the only book, that takes up authoritative statement of the Creation. I shall also take the Ancient ideas of creation and show them. |